Current reports

Registration of shares with the National Depository for Securities (KDPW S.A.).

Current report number: 35/2011

Data: 29 November 2011

Polish Financial Supervision Authority
Pl. Powstańców Warszawy 1
00-950 Warszawa

Pursuant to §34 clause 1 item 1) of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 19 February 2009 on current and periodical information to be disclosed by security issuers and on conditions of recognition of information required by the laws of a state that is not a member-state (Journal of Laws No. 33 item 259 as amended), the Management Board of TELL S.A hereby advises that on 29 November 2011 it was informed that on 28 November 2011 the Management Board of the National Depository for Securities had adopted a resolution concerning the designation with the code PLTELL000049 of 120,000 (one hundred and twenty thousand) ordinary bearer shares in TELL S.A., resulting from the conversion of 120,000 (one hundred and twenty thousand) preferential registered shares designated with the code PLTELL000015 to be effected on 30 November 2011. In the said resolution, the Management Board of the Depository also stated that as of 30 November 2011, the code PLTELL000015 would designate 1,856,000 (one million eight hundred and fifty-six thousand) shares in TELL S.A., and the code PLTELL000049 would designate 120,000 (one hundred and twenty thousand) shares in TELL S.A.

Legal basis: Art.56 clause1 item 2 of the Offering Act – Current and Periodical Information

Signed: Rafał Stempniewicz – President of the Management Board