Current reports

Appointment of the Issuer’s Management Board for the new term of office

Current report number: 20/2019

Data: 10 June 2019

Pursuant to §5 (5) of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 20 April 2018 on current and periodical information to be disclosed by security issuers and on conditions of recognition of information required by the laws of a state that is not a member-state (Regulation), the Supervisory Board of OEX S.A. hereby informs whom it may concern that today, i.e. on 10 June 2019, the Supervisory Board of the Company appointed the Issuer’s Management Board for the fourth term of office.

The following persons were appointed members of the Management Board:

  1. Mr Jerzy Motz – President of the Management Board;
  2. Mr Rafał Stempniewicz – Member of the Management Board;
  3. Mr Robert Krasowski – Member of the Management Board;
  4. Mr Tomasz Słowiński – Member of the Management Board;
  5. Mr Artur Wojtaszek – Member of the Management Board.

The Supervisory Board appointed the Management Board Members as of 25 June 2019, i.e. as of the date the 2018 financial statements of the Company were approved.

All Management Board Members appointed by the Supervisory Board have served as Members of the Management Board of the Issuer.

Below is the information about the Members of the Management Board of the Issuer.

Mr Jerzy Motz (born in 1970) (secondary education) has over 25 years of professional experience in the area of business services, mainly in the advertising and marketing sector and outsourcing services, as well as the property market. Since 1993, active investor in the new economy areas. Co-founder of Neo Investments,  responsible for the company development in the area of development projects and equity investments. In 1997, participated in the creation of the first call centre operator in Central Europe – Call Center Poland. In 2001, concluded the merger of two local advertising agencies under his management (Marketing House and Dialog) with Euro RSCG. Between 2004- 2008, President of the Management Board of the Euro RSCG Group (currently Havas Worldwide Warsaw), a leading marketing communication group in Poland. Between 2002 and 2018, President of the Management Board of a developer and investor company Real Management S.A., and since 2018 Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Real Management S.A. Since 2014, served as the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of OEX S.A. Since 10 May 2016, has held the office of the President of the Management Board of OEX S.A.

Apart from managing the Issuer, Mr Jerzy Motz is engaged in investment activities related to development projects. Mr Jerzy Motz is not a partner to any civil law partnership, registered partnership or a shareholder in any company and does not serve as a member of governing bodies of any legal person that carries out any activity competitive to the activity of the Issuer. Mr Jerzy Motz is not listed in the Register of Insolvent Debtors maintained in accordance with the National Court Register Act.

Mr Rafał Stempniewicz (born in 1963) (university-level education) is a graduate of the Medical University in Poznań where he obtained the title of medical doctor. Between 1989-1991, he completed his medical internship in the Health Care Centre in Oborniki Wlkp. Between 1991 and 1996, he was the Telecommunications Department Director in “EMAX” S.A. in Poznań. Since 1997 employed by Tell Sp. z o.o., and between 30 November 2004 and 10 May 2016, served as the President of the Management Board of OEX S.A. Additionally, Mr Rafał Stempniewicz served as a member of the Supervisory Board of Logzact S.A. with registered office in Poznań until 31 August 2016. Between 2015 -2016, served as the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of OEX Cursor S.A. with registered office in Warsaw.

Mr Rafał Stempniewicz is not a partner to any civil law partnership, registered partnership or a shareholder in any company and does not serve as a member of governing bodies of any legal person that carries out any activity competitive to the activity of the Issuer. Mr Rafał Stempniewicz is not listed in the Register of Insolvent Debtors maintained in accordance with the National Court Register Act.

Mr Robert Krasowski (born in 1970) (university-level education) is a graduate of the Poznań University of Economics and a holder of the M.A. title. Between 1994-1996 he was employed in the 1st Branch of Kredyt Bank S.A. in Poznań as Credit Inspector in the Business Credit Department,  between 1996 and 2002 he worked for the brokerage house Dom Maklerski BMT S.A. in Poznań as, consecutively: Project Manager, Primary Market Deputy Director, Corporate Finance Department Director and Member of the Management Board, in 2002 he worked for BB Investment Sp. z o.o. in Poznań as Member of the Management Board – Investment Manager. Since 2003 until now employed by OEX S.A. (formerly TELL S.A.) as Member of the Management Board – CFO. Since March 2015 served as a Member of the Supervisory Board of OEX Cursor S.A. with registered office in Warsaw.

Mr Robert Krasowski is not a partner to any civil law partnership, registered partnership or a shareholder in any company and does not serve as a member of governing bodies of any legal person that carries out any activity competitive to the activity of the Issuer. Mr Robert Krasowski is not listed in the Register of Insolvent Debtors maintained in accordance with the National Court Register Act.

Mr Tomasz Słowiński (born in 1968) (university-level education) is a graduate of the Warsaw School of Economics, Faculty of Foreign Trade. Selected professional experience: Over 25 years of experience in business, including investment banking and finances as well as at managerial and operational positions in various business areas. Over 18 years of experience as a manager and entrepreneur in the area of business process outsourcing and B2B services. Between 1992-2000, worked for an investment bank belonging to one of the world’s top financial institutions – the British HSBC, where he specialized in capital market transactions in Warsaw and London as well as M&A and privatizations. Between 2001-2006, co-created and managed companies operating at the market of business process outsourcing, e.g. as President of the Management Board of PayrollCenter, leading Polish company dealing with the payroll and HR outsourcing, as well as a Managing Director for the CVO Group. Since 2006, connected with the Neo investments, where was responsible for, without limitation, financial matters, creation of international management and tax structures, shareholder’s supervision over portfolio companies, equity transactions and new investments. Since 2011, Vice President of the Management Board of GAD S.A. Group, responsible, without limitation, for all the finances, investments and new acquisitions. Between 2014 and 5 March 2018, Member of the Supervisory Board of OEX S.A., where performed the function of the Secretary of the Supervisory Board and a member of the Audit Committee. Since 05 March 2018, Mr Tomasz Słowiński has held the office of the Member of the Management Board of OEX S.A.

Mr Tomasz Słowiński is not a partner to any civil law partnership, registered partnership or a shareholder in any company and does not serve as a member of governing bodies of any legal person that carries out any activity competitive to the activity of the Issuer. Mr Tomasz Słowiński is not listed in the Register of Insolvent Debtors maintained in accordance with the National Court Register Act.

Mr Artur Wojtaszek (born in 1971) (university-level education)  is a graduate of the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, where he obtained the title of Master of Science (Engineering). Since 2017, Mr Artur Wojtaszek has had an Executive MBA diploma issued by the French Institute of Management. For over 20 years, he has been involved with the sale support business service market. In 1995, he started cooperation with the Galicja Group (Dialog Galicja and Marketing House – currently the Havas Group), where he worked as Regional Director between 1996 – 2001. Since 2001 employed by OEX Cursor SA (formerly Cursor S.A.)  with registered office in Warsaw, where he worked first as Sales and Marketing Director and Vice President (2007 – 2009), and then, between 2009 and 2017, as President of the Management Board. Between 2006 – 2010, he was a member of the Management Board of Merchandiser Sp. z o.o., which was taken over by Cursor SA in 2010. Since 2017 has served as President of the Management Board of OEX E-Business Sp. z o. o. and a member of the Supervisory Board of OEX Cursor S.A.

Mr Artur Wojtaszek is not a partner to any civil law partnership, registered partnership or a shareholder in any company and does not serve as a member of governing bodies of any legal person that carries out any activity competitive to the activity of the Issuer. Mr Artur Wojtaszek is not listed in the Register of Insolvent Debtors maintained in accordance with the National Court Register Act.


Legal basis:

Legal basis: Art. 56 sec. 1 clause 2 of the Offer Act – current and periodical information


Tomasz Słowiński – Member of the Management Board

Robert Krasowski – Member of the Management Board