Current report number: 34/2021
Data: 13 July 2021
Legal basis:
Art. 80 (1) (3) of the Offering Act
Content of the report:
With reference to ongoing report No. 23/2021, the Management Board of OEX S.A. (‘Company‘) hereby attaches hereto a position of the Company’s Management Board concerning the call for subscription for the sale of 1,525,966 ordinary bearer shares in the Company, dematerialised and listed on a regulated market of the Warsaw Stock Exchange, each of the nominal value of PLN 0.20, representing 17.05% of the total number of votes at the General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company, which was published on 11 June 2021 jointly by the Company and its 13 shareholders, including Neo Fund 1 sp. z o. o., NEO BUSINESS PROCESS OUTSOURCING S. à r.l., PRECORDIA CAPITAL sp. z o.o., REAL MANAGEMENT S.A., Silquern S.à r.l. and 8 natural persons, including also an opinion of an external advisor (a certified auditor) on the price of shares in the call, attached to the call.
Signatures of Company’s representatives:
Tomasz Słowiński – Member of the Management Board
Robert Krasowski – Member of the Management Board
Podpisy osób reprezentujących Spółkę:
Tomasz Słowiński – Członek Zarządu
Robert Krasowski – Członek Zarządu