Current reports

Significant block of shares

Current report number: 26/2021

Data: 15 July 2021

Legal basis:

Art. 70 (1) of the Offer Act– purchase or possession of a significant block of shares

Content of the report:

The Management Board of OEX S.A. (‘Company’), with reference to the agreement executed  on 11 June 2021 within the understanding of Art. 87 (1) (5) of the Act of 29 July 2005 on public trading and on conditions of introduction of financial instruments into organised trading systems and on public companies (‘Act’), mentioned by the Company in ongoing report No. 21/2021, hereby attaches the text of the notification dated 15 June 2021, received in accordance with Art. 69 (1) (1) and Art. 87 (3) read in conjunction with Art. 87 (1) (6) of the Act.


Signatures of Company’s representatives:

Tomasz Słowiński – Member of the Management Board

Robert Krasowski – Member of the Management Board