
Divante among the winners of the “Deloitte Technology Fast 500™EMEA” ranking

13 December 2017

Divante, part of the OEX Group was included in this year’s Deloitte list of the fastest growing technology companies in the EMEA region (i.e. Europe, the Middle East and Africa). The criterion for selecting the laureates of the ranking was the dynamics of revenue growth between 2013 and 2016.

The companies that were included in the Deloitte Technology Fast 500 list noted an increase
in revenues ranging from 220 to almost
110,000 percent. Divante is one of 25 companies from Poland that were included in the ranking.

I am glad that, despite increased investments in our own products, we have maintained a good growth rate. We are currently developing Open Loyalty software and framework for creating mobile eCommerce applications in the latest PWA (progressive web apps) standard – VueStorefront. I believe that it will help us reach new customers and thus will further enable the company to develop dynamically – says Tomasz Karwatka, President of the Board of Divante.

2017 was a year of intense development for Divante. The company has implemented e-commerce websites deployments for new clients from Poland and abroad. The products that contributed to the company’s success include, among others, the advanced B2B2C Distripark platform or MediStore – the first medical e-store in Poland that contains such a comprehensive package of services.

More information on the Deloitte CE report and a list of all 500 EMEA ranking companies available at: https://www2.deloitte.com/global/en/pages/technology-media-and-telecommunications/articles/technology-fast-500-emea.html

Do you have any questions?

Małgorzata Fischer
+48 663 500 200