
Divante launched Electronicbeats.pl – a new platform for T-Mobile

17 May 2016

Divante from the OEX Group is responsible for creating and developing the website promoting a new T-Mobile project. Electronicbeats.pl is a portal designed for enthusiasts of music and modern lifestyle.

On Electronicbeats.pl you can, among others, watch the dedicated Electronic Beats TV and listen to specially selected music. The service has been supplemented with news about music and lifestyle as well as news information.

For Electronicbeats.pl Divante designed the whole layout as well as created and implemented the service on PimCore platform.

Electronicbeats.pl is a very interesting project because of the diverse audience. From the very beginning, it was important that the project was visually fresh and appealing to younger people. We started designing the graphic version very quickly – to verify the concept with end users – says Anna Radyno, a Senior UX Designer at Divante.

Polish version of the website is based on PimCore CMS which is an open-source platform. The system has been extended with dedicated modules, including integration with music services (Soundcloud) and an API to retrieve information from Social Media (in cooperation with Brand24).

Working with Divante is pure pleasure, you feel that you work with people who have a broad experience. Entrusting them with the task of creating a service for the young generation that is, at the same time, more demanding, after the first meeting, I knew that they would do it efficiently and at the highest level – says Dominik Domanski, head of the T-Mobile Electronic Beats project.

Electronicbeats.pl is responsive and also suitable for viewing on FullHD monitors (up to 1920px). Divante also provides hosting and SLA for the service.

Do you have any questions?

Małgorzata Fischer
+48 663 500 200